My First Website
By The Tutorial Doctor, Monday August 5, 2024
Below is the copy for the first website I ever created.
Welcome to Tutorial Doctor. This is a clinic for people suffering from badtutoriaitus, cheaptutoriaitus, expensivitus, simplaphobia, babeloria, and many other tutorial ailments, that result in very little or no understanding.
I have searched over the internet to find, what I think to be, the best, yet not too cheap, yet not too expensive, yet not too complicated, yet not so foreign, tutorials for various topics.
Submit a topic and I will try and find a good tutorial on the internet for it. Content will be screened.
Note: If you like any of the videos that come from YouTube please subscribe to them. These are not my videos, and they will appreciate it. Tap the ''white "i" on the video to see the information. Thank you.
Note: Some fly-outs have sub-fly-outs, others don't, so click around.
Note: Please fill out the Survey at the end of the list.
Note: This was was made as a personal website, but anyone is welcome to check it out.