Quiz App
Functional Requirements
progress indicator multiple choice
Non Functional Requirements
- Customizable
Technical Requirements
- Tailwind CSS
- JSON to store questions, no database needed
- Javascript and perhaps Vue (CDN). Could use vanilla JavaScript as well
Question topic question possible_answers correct_answer
Business Rules
- when you get to the last question, you should go back to the first question
- if you get the answer right, you can still go to the next question, but you will be notified that you are wrong.
- at the end, you will see your total correct answers.
- if we want high score, we will need to store data but perhaps it can be stored in browser local storage.
progress_element = ""
for all questions
progress += "<span></span>"
spans = getAllSpans()
spans.each{ span.addClass('seen') }
question_element = topics + question
answer_element = ""
possible_answers_for_question.each { answer_container += answer}
answers.each {
when clicked
if answer is correct answer
log correct
log wrong
if current question is equal to last question
set current question to ZERO
increment current questions