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Remaking Editorial

Editorial was one of the most significant apps in the app store when it was first released. It's a programmable markdown editor.

The Features

  • Markdown Editor
  • Built-in Browser
  • Drag and drop workflow builder
  • Text snippets (was removed at some point)
  • Workflow and snippet shortcuts
  • Sharable workflow format
  • Complete Code Editor with integrated UI
  • Integrations with popular applications
  • Shortcuts Mac OS integration

The Markdown Editor


Workflows let you build automated tasks in a drag and drop way. They are blocks of code with a UI element on top that lets one block pass data to a subsequent block. Workflows work similar to the Shortcuts app for IOS and OSX. One idea I have is to just integrate with the shortcuts app by building a shortcut that talks to the editorial remake. All workflows could just use calls to shortcuts. Of course that would be a V1 way of doing it. Eventually I'd like the app to not use an external app. Perhaps I could add multiple integrations like Zapier or Airtable etc.

The Script Editor

The Technologies

Tauri is a very exciting new tool written in Rust that allows you to create lightning fast desktop applications with any frontend of your choice! For persistent storage I will use tauri-store. Since I want to have components for the UI, I will use Nuxt 3 because I like Vue more than React 😃. I'll use Tailwind CSS for styling.

Octarine is a good example of a fully featured Markdown application. I may need to use Python sidecar if I want to program with python, but I could also use the Javascript API for Tauri.

MP (Minimal Product)

I'd like to start with a minimal product. It doesn't have to be viable, but it has to work. This MP would simple allow you to write Markdown. You will also be able to create a workflow with two actions, run the workflow and update some content in the Markdown editor. Workflows should be in a JSON format. Markdown files should be saved to the local filesystem similar to Octane.