Frontend Development
Imagine you're building a house. The architect designs the blueprint, but you're the one who actually puts the walls, roof, and windows in place. That's kind of like what a frontend software developer does.
Frontend software development is all about creating the part of a website or app that you can see and interact with. It's the "face" of the program. Frontend developers use special coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make things look cool and work smoothly.
Think of it this way:
- HTML is like the blueprint of your website. It tells the computer where to put things and what they should be called.
- CSS is like the paint and wallpaper. It makes things look pretty by setting colors, fonts, and layouts.
- JavaScript is like the brain of the website. It adds interactive elements like buttons, animations, and even games!
So, when you click on a button to buy something online or play a game on your phone, it's the frontend software that you see and interact with!